Features - 128-bit
DDR - Z-occlusion culling - Fast Z-clear - MX memory crossbar
architecture - 256-bit graphics engine - 4 texture-mapped,
filtered, lit texels per clock cycle - 32-bit color, Z/stencil
buffering - Advanced per-pixel lighting, texturing, and shading -
Cube environment mapping - DirectX and S3 texture compression ? NVIDIA
Shading Rasterizer (NSR) High performance 256-bit 2D rendering engine
- Optimized for 32-, 24-, 16-, 15-, and 8bpp modes - True color
hardware cursor with alpha - Multibuffering (double, triple, quad) for
smooth animation and video playback
±×·¡ÇÈ ÄÁÆ®·Ñ·¯ - nVIDIA¢â
GeForce4 MX440 ±×·¡ÇÈ Ã³¸® À¯´ÏÆ® (GPU)
¸Þ¸ð¸® ±¸¼º - 64MB DDR
Memory (128Bit)
³»¿ë¹° -±×·¡ÇÈ Ä«µå, Driver CD, S-VHS
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